Area Code 684

Area Code 684
Post Office City: Pago Pago, AS
County: County
Coordinates: -170.7, -14.27
Area Code: 684

What is the Area Code?

In the United States, the "Area Code" is a numerical prefix used in phone numbers to identify a specific geographic region within the country. These area codes are part of the telephone numbering system and are essential for the proper routing of calls.

The area code typically consists of three digits and precedes the local phone number. For example, in the phone number (212) 555-1234, "212" is the area code that corresponds to a part of New York City.

Functions of the Area Code:

Geographic Identification: Allows the determination of the region or city from which a call originates. Call Routing: Helps telephone service providers direct calls efficiently through their network. Number Distribution: Facilitates the assignment and organization of phone numbers to avoid conflicts and duplications. Billing: Sometimes, call costs can vary depending on the area code, especially for long-distance calls. In summary, area codes are fundamental to the functioning of the telephone system in the United States, ensuring that calls are connected correctly and managed in an orderly manner.


Cities and counties within 684 Area Code

Here are the cities and towns for Area Code 684 that the US Post Office accepts. The city listed as the main city is usually where the main post office is located. When sending a letter or package, always include your preferred city to ensure your delivery is as successful as possible

Primary CityAceptable CitiesStateCountyZIPArea codesTimezone
Pago Pago--Hawaii(AS)96799684