PW zip codes

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ZIP CodeTypeCommon CitiesCountyArea Codes
96940PO BOXPalau,

Racial distribution

In examining the racial composition of PW, we derive insights from a comprehensive dataset. This data encompasses various racial categories, allowing us to understand the demographic diversity within the state. Below is a summary of the racial distribution based on the data collected at the zip code level:

  • White: The population identifying as White is 0.
  • Black or African American: The population identifying as Black or African American is 0.
  • Asian: The population identifying as Asian is 0.
  • Native Indian or Alaska Native: The population identifying as Native Indian or Alaska Native is 0.
  • Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander: The population identifying as Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander is 0.
  • Others The population identifyng as other races is 0

Based on the data, the dominant racial group in the state is Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, comprising approximately 0.00% of the population. The minority racial group is White, representing 0.00% of the population.