Idaho zip codes

To find the postal code of a town or city, select it and then navigate until you reach the desired postal code.

ZIP CodeTypeCommon CitiesCountyArea Codes
83201STANDARDPocatello, Bannock County208
83202STANDARDPocatello, ChubbuckBannock County208
83203PO BOXFort Hall, PocatelloBannock County208
83204STANDARDPocatello, Bannock County208
83205PO BOXPocatello, Bannock County208
83206PO BOXPocatello, Bannock County208
83209UNIQUEPocatello, Bannock County208
83210STANDARDAberdeen, SterlingBingham County208
83211STANDARDAmerican Falls, Am Falls, American FlsPower County208
83212STANDARDArbon, Power County208
83213STANDARDArco, Butte CityButte County208
83214STANDARDArimo, Bannock County208
83215STANDARDAtomic City, Bingham County208
83217STANDARDBancroft, Caribou County208
83218PO BOXBasalt, Bingham County208
83220STANDARDBern, Bear Lake County208
83221STANDARDBlackfoot, Bingham County208
83223PO BOXBloomington, Bear Lake County208
83226STANDARDChallis, Custer County208
83227STANDARDClayton, Custer County208
83228STANDARDClifton, OxfordFranklin County208
83229STANDARDCobalt, ChallisLemhi County208
83230STANDARDConda, Soda SpringsCaribou County208
83232STANDARDDayton, Franklin County208
83233PO BOXDingle, Bear Lake County208
83234STANDARDDowney, Bannock County208
83235STANDARDEllis, Lemhi County208
83236STANDARDFirth, Bingham County208
83237STANDARDFranklin, Franklin County208
83238STANDARDGeneva, Bear Lake County208
83239PO BOXGeorgetown, Bear Lake County208
83241STANDARDGrace, Caribou County208
83243STANDARDHolbrook, Oneida County208
83244STANDARDHowe, Butte County208
83245STANDARDInkom, Bannock County208
83246STANDARDLava Hot Springs, Lava Hot SpgsBannock County208
83250STANDARDMccammon, Bannock County208
83251STANDARDMackay, Custer County208
83252STANDARDMalad City, StoneOneida County208
83253STANDARDMay, PattersonLemhi County208
83254STANDARDMontpelier, OvidBear Lake County208
83255STANDARDMoore, Darlington, Lost RiverButte County208
83256PO BOXMoreland, Bingham County208
83261PO BOXParis, Bear Lake County208
83262STANDARDPingree, Bingham County208
83263STANDARDPreston, Franklin County208
83271STANDARDRockland, Power County208
83272STANDARDSaint Charles, Bear Lake County208
83274STANDARDShelley, Bingham County208
83276STANDARDSoda Springs, Caribou County208
83277STANDARDSpringfield, Bingham County208
83278STANDARDStanley, Custer County208
83281PO BOXSwanlake, Bannock County208
83283STANDARDThatcher, GraceFranklin County208
83285STANDARDWayan, Soda SpringsCaribou County208
83286STANDARDWeston, Franklin County208
83287STANDARDFish Haven, Bear Lake County208
83301STANDARDTwin Falls, HollisterTwin Falls County208
83302STANDARDRogerson, Twin FallsTwin Falls County208
83303PO BOXTwin Falls, Twin Falls County208
83311STANDARDAlbion, Cassia County208
83312PO BOXAlmo, Cassia County208, 435
83313STANDARDBellevue, East Magic, GannettBlaine County208
83314STANDARDBliss, Gooding County208
83316STANDARDBuhl, Twin Falls County208
83318STANDARDBurley, Cassia County208
83320STANDARDCarey, Blaine County208
83321STANDARDCastleford, Twin Falls County208
83322STANDARDCorral, FairfieldCamas County208
83323STANDARDDeclo, Cassia County208
83324STANDARDDietrich, ShoshoneLincoln County208
83325STANDARDEden, Jerome County208
83327STANDARDFairfield, Camas County208
83328STANDARDFiler, Twin Falls County208
83330STANDARDGooding, Gooding County208
83332STANDARDHagerman, Gooding County208
83333STANDARDHailey, TriumphBlaine County208
83334STANDARDHansen, Twin Falls County208
83335STANDARDHazelton, Jerome County208
83336STANDARDHeyburn, Minidoka County208
83337PO BOXHill City, Camas County208
83338STANDARDJerome, Jerome County208
83340STANDARDKetchum, Sawtooth CityBlaine County208
83341STANDARDKimberly, Twin Falls County208
83342STANDARDMalta, ElbaCassia County208, 435
83343PO BOXMinidoka, RupertMinidoka County208
83344STANDARDMurtaugh, Twin Falls County208
83346STANDARDOakley, Cassia County208
83347STANDARDPaul, Minidoka County208
83348STANDARDPicabo, Blaine County208
83349STANDARDRichfield, Lincoln County208
83350STANDARDRupert, Acequia, Jackson, MinidokaMinidoka County208
83352STANDARDShoshone, Lone Star, West MagicLincoln County208
83353PO BOXSun Valley, Blaine County208
83354PO BOXSun Valley, Elk HornBlaine County208
83355STANDARDWendell, Gooding County208
83401STANDARDIdaho Falls, AmmonBonneville County208
83402STANDARDIdaho Falls, Bonneville County208
83403PO BOXIdaho Falls, Bonneville County208
83404STANDARDIdaho Falls, Bonneville County208
83405PO BOXIdaho Falls, Bonneville County208
83406STANDARDIdaho Falls, AmmonBonneville County208
83415UNIQUEIdaho Falls, Bonneville County208
83420STANDARDAshton, Fremont County208
83421PO BOXChester, Fremont County208
83422STANDARDDriggs, Teton County307, 208
83423STANDARDDubois, Clark County208
83424STANDARDFelt, TetoniaTeton County208
83425STANDARDHamer, Jefferson County208
83427STANDARDIona, Bonneville County208
83428STANDARDIrwin, PalisadesBonneville County208
83429STANDARDIsland Park, Fremont County208
83431STANDARDLewisville, Jefferson County208
83433PO BOXMacks Inn, Island ParkFremont County208
83434STANDARDMenan, Jefferson County208
83435STANDARDMonteview, Jefferson County208
83436STANDARDNewdale, Madison County208
83438PO BOXParker, Fremont County208
83440STANDARDRexburg, Madison County208
83441UNIQUERexburg, Madison County208
83442STANDARDRigby, Jefferson County208
83443STANDARDRirie, Bonneville County208
83444STANDARDRoberts, Jefferson County208
83445STANDARDSaint Anthony, Fremont County208
83446STANDARDSpencer, DuboisClark County208
83448STANDARDSugar City, Madison County208
83449STANDARDSwan Valley, Bonneville County208
83450STANDARDTerreton, Jefferson County208
83451STANDARDTeton, Fremont County208
83452STANDARDTetonia, Teton County208, 307
83454PO BOXUcon, Bonneville County208
83455STANDARDVictor, Teton County208
83460UNIQUERexburg, Madison County208
83462STANDARDCarmen, Lemhi County208
83463STANDARDGibbonsville, Lemhi County208
83464STANDARDLeadore, Lemhi County208
83465PO BOXLemhi, Lemhi County208
83466STANDARDNorth Fork, Lemhi County208
83467STANDARDSalmon, Lemhi County208
83468PO BOXTendoy, Lemhi County208
83469STANDARDShoup, North ForkLemhi County208
83501STANDARDLewiston, Nez Perce County208
83520STANDARDAhsahka, Clearwater County208
83522STANDARDCottonwood, KeutervilleIdaho County208
83523STANDARDCraigmont, Lewis County208
83524STANDARDCuldesac, Nez Perce County208
83525STANDARDElk City, DixieIdaho County208
83526STANDARDFerdinand, Idaho County208
83530STANDARDGrangeville, Idaho County208
83531PO BOXFenn, GrangevilleIdaho County208
83533STANDARDGreencreek, CottonwoodIdaho County208
83535STANDARDJuliaetta, Latah County208
83536STANDARDKamiah, Lewis County208
83537STANDARDKendrick, Latah County208
83539STANDARDKooskia, Idaho County208
83540STANDARDLapwai, SpaldingNez Perce County208
83541STANDARDLenore, Nez Perce County208
83542STANDARDLucile, Idaho County208
83543STANDARDNezperce, Lewis County208
83544STANDARDOrofino, Clearwater County208
83545STANDARDPeck, Nez Perce County208
83546STANDARDPierce, HeadquartersClearwater County208
83547STANDARDPollock, Idaho County208
83548STANDARDReubens, CuldesacLewis County208
83549STANDARDRiggins, Idaho County208
83552STANDARDStites, Clearwater, HarpsterIdaho County208
83553STANDARDWeippe, Clearwater County208
83554STANDARDWhite Bird, Idaho County208
83555STANDARDWinchester, Lewis County208
83601PO BOXAtlanta, Elmore County208
83602STANDARDBanks, Boise County208
83604STANDARDBruneau, Grasmere, RiddleOwyhee County208
83605STANDARDCaldwell, Canyon County208
83606PO BOXCaldwell, Canyon County208
83607STANDARDCaldwell, Canyon County208
83610STANDARDCambridge, Washington County208
83611STANDARDCascade, Valley County208
83612STANDARDCouncil, FruitvaleAdams County208
83615STANDARDDonnelly, TamarackValley County208
83616STANDARDEagle, Ada County208
83617STANDARDEmmett, MontourGem County208
83619STANDARDFruitland, Payette County208
83622STANDARDGarden Valley, Boise County208
83623STANDARDGlenns Ferry, Elmore County208
83624STANDARDGrand View, Owyhee County208
83626STANDARDGreenleaf, Canyon County208
83627STANDARDHammett, Elmore County208
83628STANDARDHomedale, Owyhee County208
83629STANDARDHorseshoe Bend, Horseshoe BndBoise County208
83630PO BOXHuston, Canyon County208
83631STANDARDIdaho City, Centerville, New Centerville, Pioneerville, Star Ranch, SteirmanBoise County208
83632STANDARDIndian Valley, Adams County208
83633STANDARDKing Hill, Elmore County208
83634STANDARDKuna, Ada County208
83635PO BOXLake Fork, MccallValley County208
83636PO BOXLetha, Gem County208
83637STANDARDLowman, Boise County208
83638STANDARDMccall, Valley County208
83639STANDARDMarsing, Owyhee County208
83641STANDARDMelba, Canyon County208
83642STANDARDMeridian, Ada County208
83643STANDARDMesa, Adams County208
83644STANDARDMiddleton, Canyon County208
83645STANDARDMidvale, Washington County208
83646STANDARDMeridian, Ada County208
83647STANDARDMountain Home, Anderson Dam, Featherville, Mt Home, Mtn Home, Oasis, Paradise Hot, Paradise Hot Springs, Pine, Prairie, Rocky Bar, TipanukElmore County208
83648STANDARDMountain Home A F B, Mountain Home Afb, Mtn Home AfbElmore County208
83650STANDARDMurphy, OreanaOwyhee County208
83651STANDARDNampa, Canyon County208
83652PO BOXNampa, Canyon County208
83653PO BOXNampa, Canyon County208
83654STANDARDNew Meadows, Adams County208
83655STANDARDNew Plymouth, Payette County208
83656PO BOXNotus, Canyon County208
83657STANDARDOla, Gem County208
83660STANDARDParma, Canyon County208
83661STANDARDPayette, Payette County208
83666STANDARDPlacerville, Boise County208
83669STANDARDStar, Ada County208
83670STANDARDSweet, Gem County208
83671PO BOXWarren, Idaho County208
83672STANDARDWeiser, Washington County208
83676STANDARDWilder, Canyon County208
83677STANDARDYellow Pine, Valley County208
83680PO BOXMeridian, Ada County208
83686STANDARDNampa, Canyon County208
83687STANDARDNampa, Canyon County208
83701PO BOXBoise, Ada County208
83702STANDARDBoise, Ada County208
83703STANDARDBoise, Garden CityAda County208
83704STANDARDBoise, Ada County208
83705STANDARDBoise, Ada County208
83706STANDARDBoise, Ada County208
83707PO BOXBoise, Ada County208
83708STANDARDBoise, Ada County208
83709STANDARDBoise, Ada County208
83711PO BOXBoise, Ada County208
83712STANDARDBoise, Ada County208
83713STANDARDBoise, Ada County208
83714STANDARDGarden City, Boise, Hidden Spgs, Hidden SpringsAda County208
83715PO BOXBoise, Ada County208
83716STANDARDBoise, AtlantaAda County208
83717PO BOXBoise, Ada County208
83719PO BOXBoise, Ada County208
83720UNIQUEBoise, Ada County208
83721UNIQUEBoise, Ada County208
83722UNIQUEBoise, Ada County208
83724UNIQUEBoise, Ada County208
83725UNIQUEBoise, Ada County208
83726UNIQUEBoise, Ada County208
83727UNIQUEBoise, Ada County208
83728UNIQUEBoise, Ada County208
83729UNIQUEBoise, Ada County208
83730UNIQUEBoise, Ada County208
83731UNIQUEBoise, Ada County208
83732UNIQUEBoise, Ada County208
83733UNIQUEBoise, Ada County208
83735UNIQUEBoise, Ada County208
83756UNIQUEBoise, Ada County208
83757UNIQUEBoise, Ada County208
83799PO BOXBoise, Ada County208
83801STANDARDAthol, Kootenai County208
83802STANDARDAvery, Shoshone County208
83803STANDARDBayview, Kootenai County208
83804STANDARDBlanchard, Bonner County208
83805STANDARDBonners Ferry, Boundary County208
83806PO BOXBovill, Latah County208
83808STANDARDCalder, Shoshone County208
83809STANDARDCareywood, Bonner County208
83810STANDARDCataldo, Kootenai County208
83811STANDARDClark Fork, Bonner County208
83812STANDARDClarkia, Shoshone County208
83813STANDARDCocolalla, Bonner County208
83814STANDARDCoeur D Alene, Fernan Lake Village, Fernan Lk VlgKootenai County208
83815STANDARDCoeur D Alene, Dalton Gardens, Dalton Gdns, HuetterKootenai County208
83816PO BOXCoeur D Alene, Kootenai County208
83821STANDARDCoolin, Bonner County208
83822STANDARDOldtown, Bonner County208
83823STANDARDDeary, Latah County208
83824STANDARDDesmet, Benewah County208
83825PO BOXDover, Bonner County208
83826PO BOXEastport, Boundary County208
83827PO BOXElk River, Clearwater County208
83830STANDARDFernwood, Benewah County208
83832STANDARDGenesee, Latah County208
83833STANDARDHarrison, Kootenai County208
83834STANDARDHarvard, Latah County208
83835STANDARDHayden, Hayden LakeKootenai County208
83836STANDARDHope, Bonner County208
83837STANDARDKellogg, WardnerShoshone County208
83839STANDARDKingston, Shoshone County208
83840PO BOXKootenai, Bonner County208
83841PO BOXLaclede, Bonner County208
83842STANDARDMedimont, Kootenai County208
83843STANDARDMoscow, Latah County208, 509
83844UNIQUEMoscow, Latah County208
83845STANDARDMoyie Springs, Boundary County208
83846STANDARDMullan, Shoshone County208
83847STANDARDNaples, Boundary County208
83848STANDARDNordman, Bonner County208
83849PO BOXOsburn, Shoshone County208
83850STANDARDPinehurst, Shoshone County208
83851STANDARDPlummer, Benewah County208
83852STANDARDPonderay, Bonner County208
83853STANDARDPorthill, Boundary County208
83854STANDARDPost Falls, HauserKootenai County208
83855STANDARDPotlatch, OnawayLatah County208
83856STANDARDPriest River, Priest LakeBonner County208
83857STANDARDPrinceton, Latah County208
83858STANDARDRathdrum, Twin LakesKootenai County208
83860STANDARDSagle, Bonner County208
83861STANDARDSaint Maries, St MariesBenewah County208
83864STANDARDSandpoint, Bonner County208
83865PO BOXColburn, Bonner County208
83866PO BOXSanta, Benewah County208
83867PO BOXSilverton, Shoshone County208
83868STANDARDSmelterville, Shoshone County208
83869STANDARDSpirit Lake, Kootenai County208
83870STANDARDTensed, Benewah County208
83871STANDARDTroy, Latah County208
83872STANDARDViola, Latah County208
83873STANDARDWallace, PrichardShoshone County208
83874PO BOXMurray, WallaceShoshone County208
83876STANDARDWorley, Kootenai County208
83877PO BOXPost Falls, Kootenai County208

Racial distribution

In examining the racial composition of Idaho, we derive insights from a comprehensive dataset. This data encompasses various racial categories, allowing us to understand the demographic diversity within the state. Below is a summary of the racial distribution based on the data collected at the zip code level:

  • White: The population identifying as White is 1,510,360.
  • Black or African American: The population identifying as Black or African American is 15,726.
  • Asian: The population identifying as Asian is 25,621.
  • Native Indian or Alaska Native: The population identifying as Native Indian or Alaska Native is 26,836.
  • Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander: The population identifying as Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander is 3,726.
  • Others The population identifyng as other races is 103,632

Based on the data, the dominant racial group in the state is White, comprising approximately 89.59% of the population. The minority racial group is Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, representing 0.22% of the population.